Sunday 29 May 2016

UNIT 8 "What is Structure?"

When I was given the theme of my FMP I came across the question of "what exactly is structure?" The word 'Structure' is extremely diverse and can be applied to variety of themes but creating an actual definition in my opinion is too difficult of a task. Perhaps not for the dictionary as it describes the word structure within three points which cover the large majority of themes I would place under the heading of structure.

Structure as defined by the dictionary is either:
1. (Noun) An arrangement of and relations of parts/elements of a something complex 
2. (Noun) A building or other object constructed from several parts 
3. (Verb) construct or arrange according to a plan; give a pattern or organisation to

However, I believe the definition supplied fails to cover everything. In my opinion many things can be described as structured or a structure; much more than the dictionary would allow. In my opinion, everything is a structure whether it be directly or indirectly.