Sunday 29 November 2015

UNIT 6 Yorkshire Sculpture Park and the Hepworth Gallery

To start our new project "Transcribing Caro" we visited two galleries - Yorkshire sculpture Park Longside gallery and the Hepworth gallery in Wakefield - to view Anthony Caro's sculptures. The experience provided us the chance to take photographs of his work for our primary research which would prove vital to our projects as we could learn more about his style which would later influence our own work throughout the project. Looking at Caro's work I will admit left me baffled as abstract forms are such a foreign concept to me however I thought his use of colour and materials depicts how creative Caro's thought process was; I particularly liked the sculptures at the Longside gallery in which he used brightly coloured perspex as it added an opaque element which allows you to interpret different shapes and forms from each angle you look at the sculpture. The sculptures at the Hepworth gallery were mostly made of bronze, iron and other metallic materials however there was one wooden sculpture that I loved: The "Child's Tower Room". A Huge Wooden sculpture in which children were allowed to climb on, this was the first time I'd seen a sculpture that allowed children to enjoy the artwork through play and exploration and I found it fascinating. Overall I really enjoyed the day viewing the exhibitions, the experience will surely benefit me when I come to creating and designing my own sculpture for the projects final piece.

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