Wednesday 21 October 2015

UNIT 1, 2 & 4 "Hands On" Secondary Research

For my secondary research I constructed a Pinterest board which combines all areas of art and design: Photography, fine art and 3D work. The images I added were what I found the most interesting and by looking at all different types of art and design work it has inspired me to produce work with a wide range of medias and styles within my sketchbook, glossary pages and in the workshops. When it came to recording my secondary research in my sketchbook I decided on creating a Pinterest inspired page where I painted out boards for the three areas of art and design I researched. I believe my idea was successful in showcasing my secondary research and is labelled very clearly. I didn't manage to add a lot of the images from my Pinterest board as I didn't want the images to be too small therefore here is a link to my "hands" Pinterest board so you can see all the secondary research I used clearly:

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