Wednesday 9 September 2015

Induction with dominoes

Today as part of our induction to art and design an artist, James, came in to help us understand how "play" is an important aspect when creating art work. He brought masses of wooden dominoes for us to work with whilst completing tasks throughout the day. We split into smaller groups to work as a team to build a huge circular structure within the beginning of the day, without much discussion we each began working on individual segments therefore efficiently producing a tall sculpture within a small amount of time.
In the afternoon we worked on creating a huge functional domino project which would cover the entire room, after discussing the path the dominoes would take around the room we split up completing  sections individually so that the final project would include all of our ideas.

As a group we suffered many knockbacks after accidentally knocking down parts of the track and struggling to get some of our ideas to work however we kept trying and working together in order to find a solution. Unfortunately, in the end our project didn't work as well as we'd like to although we were all happy with the result of our teamwork and creativity. If we were ever to have another attempt at being 100% successful with our domino project we would test each section and double check each other's work perhaps we would have achieved a more successful outcome. 

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