Wednesday 9 September 2015

The importance of "play" and creativity

Throughout the induction with dominoes I was continuously recording the day through photographs whilst also taking more creative photographs of our work. whilst reviewing my photography I began reflecting on what the induction had taught me. Introducing "play" into our work, I realised, is quite important as our imaginations and creativity blossomed as a child playing games and running wild therefore by playing around with the dominoes we unleashed our inner child replenishing our slightly dusty imaginations allowing our creativity to develop and evolve. Creativity is the key to any artists work, a collaboration of original ideas and inventiveness, without it artwork would be a repetitive and meaningless. I used my creativity to find other purposes for objects around the room and incorporate them to create unusual and original domino runs, I was very happy with the results and that inspired my photography, by trying different angles I produced some images that I was really proud of. 

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