Wednesday 16 September 2015

UNIT 1, 2 & 4 Wire Sculptures

To finish the day one of the 3D design tutors came by to help us construct our own wire sculptures of hands. He showed us many of his own examples that were beautiful abstract styled sculptures which many people decided to attempt however I chose a different approach as I know that abstract work is one of my weaknesses. I began by moulding the wire around the outline of my hand to make sure it would be in proportion then adding coiled wire to the fingers to show both the creases in the fingers and the 3D shape. After completeing the coils of the thumb and fingers I was unsure of how to continue as I was happy with how it was however we only had a small amount of time left so I decided to leave it how it was. Overall I really enjoyed the experience and found shaping the wire quite easy, I would definatly complete more wire sculptures in the future 

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