Monday 29 February 2016

UNIT 1, 2 & 4 3D Workshop

In the 3D workshop we were introduced to the concept of shape scape in which pieces slot together to create shapes. In our case we used a strong card in order to create our maquettes; in the morning we looked at other artists shape scapes in order to better understanding how the slotting mechanisms worked followed by us creating a quick shape scape to master how to make them before moving onto our main task; as this was only a quick task we were asked to make an abstract maquettes. Abstract has always been one of my weaknesses therefore I simply improvised without planning to see what my result would turn out like, for this I used a series of triangles to create a geometric appearance. Through this first exercise I found that I had a good understanding of the creating and assembly of the slot together pieces.

I then moved onto the main task which was to create a maquette that was relevant to the project therefore I made a fist shaped hand that stood upright from the wrist. I found the task fairly easy and completed it without any assistance, I wasn't that proud of my outcome because the material we used meant that it could fall apart easily due to loose slots and lack of an adhesive however my result does resemble a fist shaped hand from the majority of angles therefore I was fairly happy.

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