Tuesday 23 February 2016

UNIT 7 Time Based Media Glossary

Time Based Art: contemporary art works that include video, film, slide, audio or computer-based technologies as well as traditional processes of image making

Kinetic Art: is art that depends on motion for its affects e.g. Alexander Calder 'Antennae with Red and Blue dots' 1960

Stop Frame Animation: is a film created by playing a series of short frames that include little movement between frames to create the illusion of movement

Stop Motion - Onion Skinning: Onion Skinning is term used in animation when you can see several frames at once

Silhouette: This form of animation is where the character is only visible as a black silhouette, this is usually achieved by the use of lights and cut outs.

Zoetrope: is a cylinder that has a series of images on the inner side and several slits that when you look through during the cylinder spinning creates the illusion of continuous movement

Flick Book Animation: is when images on each of the pages of a book have gradual changes so that when the book is flicked through quickly it appears that the image is moving

Time Lapse: a sequence of frames that record changes slowly over a period of time, once the sequence of frames is played at normal speed it appears  that the changes occur more quickly

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