Wednesday 24 February 2016

UNIT 7 Zoetrope Animation

A zoetrope is a 19th century optical toy consisting of a cylindrical shape that has a series of images on the inner side that when viewed through the slits along the side of the cylindrical shape it creates the illusion of continuous motion.

During my visit to the Animotion exhibition at The Civic there was a work station in which you could create your own zoetrope animation by tracing the series of images onto a strip of paper, once drawn you would place the strip of paper on the inner side of the rotating drum, By looking through the slits whilst the cylinder is spinning you can watch your drawings come to life.

 Below are some images that the 20-21 visual arts centre posted to promote the exhibition, they show some people making their own series of images to view in the zoetrope.

When I visited I decided to create one myself following the instructions at the work bench, as I was limited for time I did trace the cartoons provided however I believe if I were to create another the cartoon would have been fairly simple to 

create a zoetrope strip that would have flowed fluidly without a lot of jerkiness. Overall, the whole process is relatively easy providing that you draw each image in the correct place to recreate the fluidity of continuous motion. 

Here is link to the video of the zoetrope I created at the exhibition:

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