Monday 29 February 2016

UNIT 1, 2 & 4 Photography workshop

The first thing I learnt in this workshop was how to actually use the cameras since I had never used a professional camera before and I was fairly clueless. We were taught about how changing the aperture, shutter speed and ISO would affect the exposure of our photos so that we were free to experiment with the settings when we began taking photos. Aperture controls the size of the hole within the lens that allows light in and also the depth of field (the section of the photograph that appears sharp), Shutter speed is the amount of time that the camera sensor is exposed to light; slow shutter speeds is useful for low key lighting whereas quicker shutter speeds can capture moving objects and the ISO is the sensitivity of your camera to light. Knowing this we then branched of into smaller groups to take pictures of each others hands using props whilst playing around with settings allowing us to get more comfortable using the cameras. We later began experimenting with the lighting in the studio to create different moods within our photographs: for example high and low key lighting. After the photography workshop I feel more confident in using a camera however I believe I will need a lot more time to practise before I begin producing high quality photographs.

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