Wednesday 24 February 2016

UNIT 7 Action Painting

Action Painting is form of painting where you throw, splash or pour paint towards your canvas creating an abstract style painting, Jackson Pollock a famous abstract impressionist artist practised action painting within many of his works causing the process to gain popularity. For example, this is a painting by Pollock 'Blue Poles' 1952, you can clearly see how the paint is applied by the random splatters of paint.

To include action painting into my Unit 7 work I took a video from underneath a sheet of plastic on which I created an action painting showing another form of time based media. Here is a link to the video of my Pollock inspired action painting:

A video of an action painting can give away hints towards the emotions explored within the artwork: You can watch to see if the flicks of the paintbrush are aggressive or relaxed, or perhaps to see if the movements of the paintbrush are fluid or jerky. By watching the artist work you can see the movements which can give a huge insight to the overall emotions reflected within a painting. For example, in my action painting I remember feeling frustrated at the time which is reflected in my movements as they seem to be quite aggressive, jerky and rushed.

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