Monday 29 February 2016

UNIT 6 Studio Practise

The Annunciation 
Duccio Variation No.5
In Studio practise we had to start thinking about transcribing, for this project we had to take inspiration from Caro's work  where he transcribed his ideas from a renaissance painting to create a series of abstract sculptures: The Duccio Variations. Caro produces his sculptures from shapes within the painting, the painting Caro used was the 'Annunciation'.

Tower of Babel
The renaissance painting I decided to use for my project was the 'Tower of Babel' by Pieter Brueghel. I liked the circular and curved shapes within the painting and decided to base my sculpture around these shapes. When transcribing my ideas I look at the arches, slopes and layers of the architecture within the painting for inspiration. I then used these shapes to create my abstract ideas.

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