Tuesday 1 March 2016

UNIT 6 Studio Practise (Design Ideas)

After looking at the shapes used in the 'Tower of Babel' painting and looking at abstract forms to use I have created three initial designs to begin with. Each of these designs take elements from different parts of my research and previous sketchbook work.

The first design idea was a suspended design that focuses on the circular shapes of the structure, by suspending the individual elements it puts more emphasis on the layers and creates an abstract take on the tower. Another aspect of the image I included in this design was the many different windows and arches therefore adding a little detail to link the design back to the original renascence painting.
The third design idea is a wall sculpture that takes shapes from the side view of the topmost part of the tower. The shapes focus on the layers of walls, sloping shapes and arches/windows. The collage of these shapes would create an extremely abstract 3D wall sculpture.
The second design also has a focus on the circular structure except it follows a more abstract design as different elements rely and interlock with each other to stay standing. Since this design is free standing and relies on interlocking with each other I would add a base to attach all the pieces to for added reassurance that it wont just fall down.
I decided to develop the second design for my final design as it was my favourite and I could envision the final sculpture in my head. I did change certain aspects of the design to make it more complicated and make sure there was a way to incorporate all the different workshops and materials into the design.


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