Tuesday 1 March 2016

UNIT 6 Photography Workshop

In the photography workshop we looked at the work of a paper artist, Peter Dahmen. For this project we are required to make paper maquettes of our designs therefore by researching a little into Dahmen's work we will gain understanding of how to create effective paper maquettes. We then continued to make our own paper maquettes for practise using Dahmen's work as inspiration. By creating paper maquettes of our designs we can experiment with different elements to see what could look better and more effective and also take into account the shadows that are cast by the shapes of your maquettes. The shadows can sometimes be important in sculpting as they may tell another story or simply create another perspective. Below are some images of Peter Dahmen's work.

In this particular workshop however the shadows are our main focus as we experiment with lighting for the photography workshop. We looked at using low key lighting so that shadows would be more prominent and cast darker shadows. Below are the images I took of the paper maquettes within this workshop.

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