Sunday 6 March 2016

UNIT 5 Evaluation

To analyse the requirements and parameters for this project I created a mind map stating everything that I would need to complete to be able to pass each assessment criteria. I also produced two visual mind maps: The first was to explore the theme ‘Let the outside in’ where I looked at water and brightly coloured flowers and the second was to explore the target audience to make sure I produce designs that would be suitable for the target audience.

I think my research has been very effective as there are clear links between my research and my design work. My primary research included photographs of a stream where I decided to start focusing on the shapes and the movement of the water and photographs of contemporary doors at a JSS Installations LTD showroom therefore allowing me to explore the designs that other company sells and gain a wider knowledge of this field of design outside of my clients company. I also did secondary research into Distinction Doors current range through their website, by comparing all of my research on existing door designs I discovered what styles, colours and glass designs were most popular.
Additionally, I completed some artist research on the architect Antoni Gaudi looking specifically at his work ‘Casa Batllo’ as Gaudi uses sea influences demonstrating a relevance between his work and my own. I found my artist research wasn’t entirely effective as I found it hard to illustrate clear links to his work in my own work as I had to produce contemporary designs therefore my influence from Gaudi is very subtle. I focused on Gaudis use of unusual bubbled shapes which led me to look into bubbled glass rather than use glass textures already provided by the company. Furthermore, Gaudi is known to be extremely unusual therefore in my last design I decided to take inspiration from him to create a complex unorthodox design.

When interpreting the theme of ‘Let the outside in’ I originally began to look at woodland nature however I realised looking at woodland nature is too obvious as I found several other people looking into the same idea, I wanted to be different and stand out therefore I began to think outside of the box. This led me to look at water, at the movement and the shapes it creates, as water can be found extremely therapeutic and I wanted to create a calming aura for the homeowner to enjoy.

I found it rather easy going when designing for the specified target audience as I had a good understanding of contemporary designs and what the target audience would want from their design. In my opinion, contemporary designs usually uses clean organised shapes and can often interlink with minimalism. Therefore I combined my ideas of contemporary design with all of my research to produce my designs, due to every part of the design process being completed with the target audience in mind I was confident that my designs were suited the target audience.
When producing solutions for 2D door designs I planned, organised and prepared my ideas and research in order to meet the requirements of the designs. When producing my first design due to research of existing doors I used a repetitive pattern of circular glass panels which decreased in size to replicate the imagery of water droplets. Inspired by Gaudi I found a bubbled glass texture that wasn’t in the company’s current range of options which provided the homeowner with privacy due to its obscurity and originality. The second design had a tall thin glass panel as I found in both my primary and secondary research that it was the most popular contemporary door design however I adapted the shape to suit my theme of water, inspired my primary research I distorted the vertical edges of the glass panel to make it appear as though a stream was running down the door. The use of the Taffeta glass texture further emphasised the idea of water running down the door. My third design was my unusual design in which I decided to be like Gaudi and be original therefore I designed a complex arrangement of glass panels that collectively appear to be the ripples created by a water droplet. I adapted the shapes to appear more contemporary and simple, the glass panels used a satin glass texture therefore toning down the complex design and obscuring the windows to provide privacy. All three of the designs used a palette of Sky Blue, Teal, Ultramarine and Sea Green as these bold shades of blue would stand out providing the homeowner with a sense of identity, also blue has strong connotations of water relating the designs back to the theme. Furthermore, I planned out that in all of my designs I would need to use a ratio of 1:3 for glass to door as I discovered by using the ‘door designing’ feature on the Distinction Doors website that by using this ratio I found that my designs were fairly energy efficient therefore my designs were both functional and aesthetic.

Throughout this unit I have demonstrated practical skills through producing backgrounds and layouts for all of my sketchbook and design pages to make my work more interesting to look at. By producing successful designs I have demonstrated my design skills and a good understanding of the target audience and the brief. I have also shown that I have a good level of knowledge and understanding of the product when planning and preparing designs that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
One minor obstacle I faced during the research process was that I struggled to think of how I would collect primary research of doors knowing that I couldn’t just photograph neighbours doors. Eventually I found a solution after speaking to a Joiner who works with doors often that I could visit a showroom, I then looked online and found that JSS Installations LTD showroom was really close by therefore I continued to visit the showroom and photograph the contemporary doors that were on display.
The progression of my work was rather slow due to the lack of ideas however I quickly caught up on all the practical work having a sketchbook that illustrated my full thought process throughout this unit, three design sheets and a prepared presentation. However due my slow start I fell behind greatly on blog work and failed to submit an evaluation for the original deadline however I managed to complete all blog work and an evaluation from my resubmission date.
I found my experience of working with Distinction Doors was quite enjoyable, I found the extra pressure of working for a client actually pushed me to impress them and produce high quality designs. The idea of producing designs with a client or target audience in mind was enjoyable as it was a new experience and I gained a sense of achievement when they liked my designs and I knew that I had been successful in meeting the brief.
I prepared for my presentation by having a completed sketchbook and three design pages for the staff members from Distinction Doors to look through whilst I presented my work. I produced a PowerPoint that had Images illustrating my thought process as I talked over each slide explaining my reasoning. I knew everything that I wanted to say during the presentation however I wanted to be prepared therefore I bullet pointed my key points on a piece of paper to remind me in case I forgot anything.
If I were to do anything differently during this unit of work it would have been to think more originally at the beginning therefore I would have started a lot more quicker and wouldn’t have fallen behind as much.

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