Friday 4 March 2016

UNIT 5 Secondary Research

For my secondary research I looked at various resources to look at different door designs. Firstly I looked at  the Distinction Doors website to look at their current range of contemporary door designs to compare them with my primary research of doors to evaluate what are the most popular designs and decide on what existing contemporary door designs are missing. This research also gives me an insight into what the company are able to achieve in production. I then used Pinterest to explore innovative  and unusual designs, I found designs that use circular or curved shapes as they are more relevant to the theme of water than the usual rectangular/square shapes from current contemporary door designs. These designs inspired me to be a little bold with my designs but to limit myself to the 'almost minimalistic' designs of existing products. As apart of my secondary research I decided to look into the work of an architect, Antoni Gaudi, as he was inspired by sea influences with his designs making him relevant to my chosen theme of water. After looking at Gaudi's work I choose to inspiration from the unusual bubble like shape he uses throughout his work.

Link to my doors board on Pinterest:

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