Friday 4 March 2016

UNIT 5 Theme and target audience

When we were given the theme of 'Let the outside in' I originally thought about nature and woodland creatures as did everyone else however I wanted to be original so I focused my theme around water. I found water was a very tranquil element that has the ability to make you feel calm and relaxed, both of which are traits I would want to convey to the client when they come home. Using water as a starting point I began to explore the movement of the water and shapes that I could transcribe to my designs.

As another starting point I decided to explore the target audience to create a product that would be both aesthetically pleasing and functional to the target audiences needs. From what I could infer being in the age range of 25+ the audience is probably just starting their career in an educated and well paying job such as a teacher or doctor. The audience is most likely to be looking to buy their first house to settle down and perhaps to start a family therefore they will want a door that provides them with safety and is long lasting. When settling down the audience will be living in a home fore a long period of time therefore the audience would make the home presentable and decorate nicely, due to the age the decoration would probably be quite modern perhaps taking inspiration from Ideal homes magazines and other design sources therefore the door design must compliment the décor and suit the target audience.

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