Wednesday 24 February 2016

UNIT 7 Stop Motion animation

In studio Practise we were given the task of creating a short stop motion animation. Stop motion or stop frame animation is a video created by editing together a mass of frames (photos) that show a a physical object moving gradually; once edited together it appears as though the object is moving fluidly by itself.

 Me and a friend paired up together began brain storming ideas and we came up with an idea pretty quickly; we decided to create a love story between two origami swans. The first stage to creating a stop motion animation is to plan out a storyboard therefore you know where to move the objects for each frame. 

Once we had planned out what was going to happen scene by scene we needed to set up the camera on a tripod, create the swans and set. For our set we painted a simple blue lake and decided to film from a higher angle so that we wouldn't need a back wall just a floor to our set. We then began taking the photos, I focused the lens and took the photos whilst my friend, Ellie, moved the swans in between each frame. As me and Ellie worked well together we completed taking all the frames we needed therefore we decided to create a title sequence also by cutting out letters and move them onto the correct place gradually through the frames; this time round we swapped roles so that we could experience both roles. Once we had finished taking all the photos we used the apple Macs to edit the photographs together using Photoshop. Here is a link to mine and Ellies stop motion animation "Swan Dance":

Stop motion animation usually falls more under film however in certain circumstances the frames are made up of frames of drawings and that is when it becomes an art. This time based media can be extremely varied taking many different forms however the similarity between all stop motion animation is that it tells a story frame by frame; and that story is where the meaning behind the colour, set, character, lighting and theme choices all come together to express emotions and to create an atmosphere to enhance the story.

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