Wednesday 1 June 2016

UNIT 8 Artist Research: Ed Fairburn

Ed Fairburn working on an illustration

Ed Fairburn - UK based illustrator - combines various different maps with portraiture by finding focal points and patterns within maps to create the shapes of faces. This unique way of using cartography within art is what attracted my attention during my research; how Fairburn effortlessly makes the two blend into one another and seem like the facial features were already engraved into the streets of cities and strands of hair flowed along hillsides and mountains.

San Juan Mountains, 2014
Anna Fisher, 2015

These two images are two very different examples of his work: the left is similar to other works as he tends to work with topography maps quite frequently however on the right he produced a beautiful piece using a constellation map demonstrating just how diverse and resourceful his work can be.

The main reason I choose Ed Fairburn as one of my main contextual studies was because I loved how not only did he use the maps to produce amazing original artwork; he carefully hand picked the character which a map would make creating a connection between the two elements which is what makes his work so popular - the ever thoughtful context behind each piece.

My sketchbook page on Ed Fairburn

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