Monday 20 June 2016

UNIT 8 Development of Acid Etching with Layered Work

After the success of incorporating portraiture into my work I decided to experiment some more by combining the outcome of my photo editing in the Brushes app with acid etching to further develop the 3D technique. I put a black and white effect on the image to create more contrast hopefully  - unlike my previous attempts at creating an acid etch from an image - this should be enough to make the outcome successful. To ensure it transfers properly instead of ironing I placed a smaller hot plate on top to sandwich the copper and the acetate together to provide an equal amount of pressure and heat across the copper.

As you can see from the image above the outcome was not as successful as I hoped as the acetate had bubbled only allowing so much of the ink to transfer properly; the image is extremely hard to make out therefore I couldn't just use this as a copper transfer either. I think the more complex design is why it is harder to decipher the image on the copper however I think I would struggle to simplify this particular image. Although I did everything I could to ensure the success of this acid etch due to its failure I will review my experimental work within the 3D workshop and choose to further develop another technique: most likely layering within a more 3D context. 

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