Tuesday 21 June 2016

UNIT 8 Design Ideas

After completing research and experimentation work I had a few ideas in mind for my initial designs. I had mad sure to produce sketches in my journal as I came up with ideas and now I have drew them up within my sketchbook as I am ready to start developing my ideas to create a final idea. There are three initial designs that all combine cartography, portraiture and 3D.

Design 1

My first design takes influence from the globe I found at York Art Gallery; the globe is an iconic form of cartography therefore I wanted to explore the use of its shape. The globe would be made of layers of a transparent material and on each layer would be an Ed Fairburn style illustration or photograph. The face would also be made in layers and when viewed from the side or various other angles the overall 3D face shape would become visible. 

I really like this design however I have to consider the structure of the layers and they would require a rod or some form of support to travel through the middle of the design. Due to the transparency of the layers the rod would also be visible and would break up and ruin the                                                                                        effect of the layers of the face.

Design 2

The second design takes a great deal of influence from my experimentation of layering as I would produce a cityscape for this design and on the sides of the buildings I would print or draw an Ed Fairburn style illustration or image. From any other angle the face would be segmented however from the front all the pieces would be place strategically to create the whole image.

I think this design could be really interesting however the idea that it can only be viewed properly from one angle seems like it could be a problem especially for the exhibition. Furthermore, it feels like in both design 1 and 2 I would be copying Fairburns work too much and I want to be original.

Design 3

My third design also takes a great deal of influence from my layering work however instead of layering some form of map or landscape I would create a head from layers of a transparent material and then on each of the layers I could print or perhaps etch my own cartography design as in my Harry Beck research I said I would explore creating my own map. 

I think I will probably develop this design further as there are many aspects of the design I could play around with. Also the opportunity to create my own map would make my sculpture really original. The only problem with this design is the same issue as design one however due to the shape of this design I could explore the use of a base to resolve the issue. 

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