Tuesday 21 June 2016

UNIT 8 Sphere Maquette

First Sphere Maquette

After drawing up my design ideas I could finally start moving on to the development stage of my project. I decided to see if I could find a solution to the problem with the first design as I really would've liked to continue the globe design. Therefore I created some maquettes, instead of placing a rod through the layers I though how about using a cross section that each of the layers would slot into as if it was made of the same transparent material it may not effect the designs on each layer.

My first maquette was unsuccessful as I cut out several circles where the radius would reduce by 10 mm every layer however I failed to think about how the edges of a circle do not decrease by 10 mm at every 10 mm. It was a frivolous mistake to make and I would create a second maquette with the correct measurements.

Second Sphere Maquette

To correct the mistakes I had made I drew a centre line across the cross section circle and measured from the centre line to the circumference therefore gaining accurate measurements for the radius of each layer. Using the information I recut the circles for each layer and slotted all the elements together to produce a successful spherical maquette.

Although the card I used was not transparent so that this maquette isn't an accurate visual representation of my design the maquette does give me insight into the amount of layers I would use to create the circle. Even if I had used a transparent material I would fine that after so many layers the visibility of the image on each layer would become restricted and the cross section layer would further restrict the visibility. Due to not finding a good enough solution I have decided I will develop my third design idea.

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